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vizkit documentation

vizkit.js is an opinionated little charting library built on top of the amazing and wonderful d3.js visualization framework.

Multi Line Chart


vizkit is design such that rendering multiple datasets in a single chart is achieved by simply modifying the data passed to the chart. The data for a single line chart will look like this:

// single line chart data
var data = [
    {"key": "blue", "xValue": '1', "yValue": '1'},
    {"key": "blue", "xValue": '2', "yValue": '2'},
    {"key": "blue", "xValue": '3', "yValue": '3'},
    {"key": "blue", "xValue": '4', "yValue": '4'},
    {"key": "blue", "xValue": '5', "yValue": '5'}

Notice how even though a single line is to be rendered, the data is still in the format of a 2 dimentional array. This makes adding additional lines to the chart just a matter of adding additional arrarys!

// multi line chart data
var data = [
    {"key": "blue", "xValue": '1', "yValue": '1'},
    {"key": "blue", "xValue": '2', "yValue": '2'},
    {"key": "blue", "xValue": '3', "yValue": '3'},
    {"key": "blue", "xValue": '4', "yValue": '4'},
    {"key": "blue", "xValue": '5', "yValue": '5'}
    {"key": "red", "xValue": '1', "yValue": '3'},
    {"key": "red", "xValue": '2', "yValue": '4'},
    {"key": "red", "xValue": '3', "yValue": '2'},
    {"key": "red", "xValue": '4', "yValue": '6'},
    {"key": "red", "xValue": '5', "yValue": '5'}
    {"key": "green", "xValue": '1', "yValue": '9'},
    {"key": "green", "xValue": '2', "yValue": '6'},
    {"key": "green", "xValue": '3', "yValue": '1'},
    {"key": "green", "xValue": '4', "yValue": '2'},
    {"key": "green", "xValue": '5', "yValue": '2'}
    {"key": "yellow", "xValue": '1', "yValue": '10'},
    {"key": "yellow", "xValue": '2', "yValue": '7'},
    {"key": "yellow", "xValue": '3', "yValue": '2'},
    {"key": "yellow", "xValue": '4', "yValue": '1'},
    {"key": "yellow", "xValue": '5', "yValue": '3'}

One preparing the data, you would create the multi line chart the same way as a single line chart. All configuration methods of the single line chart are still usable as well:

var DrawViz = vizkit.linechart(data)
                     .yAxis({title: 'foo', scale: 'linear'})
                     .xAxis({title: 'bar', scale: 'linear'})
                     .legend({addMouseoverClasses: true, symbol: {type: 'circle'}})
                     .tooltip({content: "<h1>{{key}}:</h1><p>{{xValue}}, {{yValue}}</p>"});
