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vizkit documentation

vizkit.js is an opinionated little charting library built on top of the amazing and wonderful d3.js visualization framework.

Line Chart


Configuration Methods

.yaxis({key: value}) / .xaxis({key: value})

Configuration method used to specify properties of the chart axis.

Key Name Description Allowed Value
tickFormat A number format function suitable for displaying a tick value. d3 format specifer
ticks The number of ticks this axis should have. integer
scale Specifies the d3.js scale to use with this axis. see: scales. 'linear', 'ordinal', or 'time'
gridLine Specifies whether the chart ticks should extend vertically to the axis. true or false

.line({key: value})

Configuration method used to specify properties of the chart lines.

Key Name Description Allowed Value
interpolate Sets the interpolation mode of the chart. d3 interpolation modes
symbol symbol used for points on the chart. d3 symbol object


Configuration method used to specify whether area below lines should be filled.

Description Allowed Value
area charts are just line charts with the area below them filled in. To add an ".area-x" class which can be filled for each line, simply provide a true value to this configuration method. area chart example. true or false

.legend({key: value})

Configuration method used to specify properties of the chart legend.

Key Name Description Allowed Value
addMouseoverClasses Specifies whether css classes should be added to the chart when hovering over a legend symbol. If true, class names are: line-mo, key-mo, line-nomo, key-nomo true or false
symbol symbol used for each line on the legend. d3 symbol object

.tooltip({key: value})

Configuration method used to specify properties of chart value tooltips. If true, a div with the class name .vizkit-tooltip will be available for styling.

Key Name Description Allowed Value
content A template string to display in the tooltip. Variables to display in the template between brackets are key, xValue, and yValue. string template like: "<h1>{{key}}:</h1><p>{{xValue}}, {{yValue}}</p>"