Styling Listy-Text to match your website is a piece of cake.
1. Include the listy-text.css and listy-text.js files on your page (duh!):
<script src="listy-text.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="listy-text.css">
2. Add an input element and call the .listy() function on it:
<input class="listy-text" type="text" /> <script> $(".listy-text").listy(); </script>
3. Get the listy-data:
Use the .listyVal() function to get the data for a particular listy-input. Use css selectors to specify.
<script> $("form input.listy-text").listyVal(); </script>
You can prepopulate the listy input with values by specifying a comma separated list for the value attribute:
<input value="a,b,c" class="listy-text" type="text" />
Will yield: